Thursday, August 29, 2024

April 8 - Old Horses, New Riders


Old Horses New Riders

I spent 2 years and a half, five hours a day
 In the saddle, twenty horses in my little remuda, introducing
Horses to children whose ride through life had been such,
That their hearts and their minds were in need of repair.
They told me I was crazy, I'd get a child killed
If I put them up on a horse, worse if I let them ride
Without a rope to keep them from riding away.
The kids were autistic, developmentally delayed, and abused
The scars on their bodies; the scars on their minds
Made it hard for us to go home and sleep every night.
Horses and dogs (there was a border collie hung 'round the barn)
Proved well able to heal wounded children. I'd saddle them up
And off along the woodland trail we'd go riding softly along,
Tiny children on giant horses, quarter horses, ponies, cutting horses, even a burro...
Retired from the rodeo and the ranch, in retirement befriending kids
Who needed a friend that would carry them places they were otherwise
Afraid to go alone. Like the little mute girl, so beaten down she wouldn't speak,
Who one day, while brushing down her horse, began to chatter like a magpie.
Then she began to talk to us since we were the friends of her big friend.
Patient teachers the horses were. Loyal friends. Therapists on the sly.
I miss their patient love, the deep soft eyes, the warm breath on a cool morning
The unexpected nose nuzzling your neck when they sneaked up on you
While you put out their feed, brushed them down and cleaned their hooves.
Best job I ever had. Most loyal friends I ever new. God's equine angels.

© 2024 by Tom King

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Letter to Mom & Dad

Derek "Cheese" Keen in Afghanistan


Letter To Mom & Dad

Dear Mom and Dad,
Don’t cry for me.
Shed not a single tear,
For time to weep has passed.

I know it hurt you
Because you were not there
In my last fleeting moments.
But I was not alone.

An angel of light quietly
Slipped into my room,
And called out my name.
I answered, “Here am I.”

Jesus sent an angel band
To take me on to home
Think instead of the times
You both were there for me.

The times you took us all
To Little League and football games.
When I heard Mom’s voice from the stands
Shouting, “Go Cheese go!”

Dad, you gave your life to the highway
To put sneakers on my feet
And food on the table.
As I grew to be a man.

And man did I grow?
Knowing you were proud of your boys.
Knowing how much you loved us,
How much we loved you.

I remember Mom dressing us
In our little brown and grey suits
And driving us to Walmart
To get our pictures taken.

Mom you always had a camera,
Picture after picture of us
Grinning like possums,
And we knew you were so proud.

Dad taught me and my brothers,
How to fish and to hunt and
To love pickup trucks and music
In the living room on a Saturday night.

Dad, I heard you say,
“He was my soldier.”
But Daddy you were my hero.
And you will always be.

You two raised a soldier,
A poet and a fireman.
Not bad for ordinary people
Not ordinary but extraordinary.

Well done, you two, your hearts
Filled with love for each other.
You taught your sons to love and now
You’re teaching grandkids just the same.

The angel came and took my hand
“But Mama and Daddy will be sad,
That they were not here,” I said.
“Fear not,” the angel said as angels do.

“You’ve been so long in this bed.
Jesus has seen your suffering.”
“Enough,” He said, “It’s time to go.”
These angels here will bring them through the days ahead.”

“Come home, my boy.” He said as I drifted
Off to sleep and in the twinkling of an eye,
I'll wake whole and young again and
We'll be going straightway home.

Don’t be sad for me. I’ll be waiting,
Through birthdays, holidays and celebrations.
I’ll be in your hearts just where I’ve always been.
Cheese is signing off for now………

                                  But not forever.

Aunt Sheila & Uncle Tom