Friday, September 20, 2013


by Tom King
Suddenly it's fall. The cottonwoods announced it today
With a gold and russet ticker tape parade;
A shower of leaves raining down when a sudden breeze
Gusted among the treetops, shaking them loose.

Me and the dog, rambling down the lane, were caught up in it.
The crisp pop of dried leaves rattling down among the branches;
Blowing into loose drifts at my feet made me look up.
Gray clouds threaded across the fading blue sky.

The dog is excited. All the dogs along the lane are barking and jumping,
They smell the rabbits and the squirrels, making forays
From brambles, thickets and decaying trees, pillaging and storing
Their booty in treasure caches only they can find sometimes.

The season changed today, not on the official date
But on the schedule that the Earth and Sun decided.
We feel small, me and the dog, wandering the gravel roads;
There are bigger things going on that we may not meddle with.

Autumn came suddenly today.  Yesterday was summer.
Now it's fall - announced with a breathy whisper
Along the lane, beneath the cottonwood trees
An errant breeze pressed along by gray clouds.

It feels like a celebration, what with the dogs and squirrels and leaves
All a-twitter like kids let out of school, or going back after summer.
Something staged by He who spun out the worlds and placed us here,
To smile at Him when autumn is announced, all of a sudden.

© 2013 by Tom King
Written at the Carriage House – Puyallup, Washington

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