Wednesday, June 19, 2024

April 6: The Devil Came Down to Washington

The Devil Came Down to Washington

The Devil came down to Washington,
Looking for more souls to steal.
"Got that one," he grinned a wicked grin.
"Truth don't matter, it's all about the feel.

"Nope that guy's been in the tank since '73"
"Oh, real proud of that old bastard, there."
Real potential. Would have made him prez,
By now, but he's lost too much of his hair.

"Think I may have overworked this patch.
"Hard to find an uncorrupted soul these days
"Well, I might get him, but why bother?
"I've got my media team already on his case."

"When those guys are working their magic
"I've seen genuine heroes bow the knee
"Under the glare of that spotlight
"While claiming it's the land of the free.

"What about that one over there by the statue...."
"Hmm? Maybe we could pull it down on his head.
"Disgrace is almost as good as outright possession.
"It's all about how he can best serve alive or even dead."

"That idiot? "You kidding? Some of our best work I admit,
"But I think we broke him, maybe dropped him on his head.
"The old boy can't manage a coherent sentence anymore.
"Like the Witch of the East - he's really most sincerely dead."

"There's the law of diminishing returns that applies here.
"We should focus where there's uncaptured souls to roast.
"Maybe Texas or Florida. A lot of them are piling up there
"Trying to escape our most excellent work along the coast.

They Devil comes down to Washington to fish;
And finds the pond fished out; beginning to smell
And anything coming in is pretty much already hooked;
All of them joining the fight for the same throne in hell.

©2024 by Tom King

© 2024 by Tom King

Friday, June 7, 2024

April 5 - Ladies of the Gael


 The Song of the Ladies of the Gael

Out among us I hear them;
The Ladies of the Gael raising,
Their plaintive songs in the night
Flowing through America like blood,
They sing of home and hearth
Of love and the ache of losings,
Of the joy and pain only women know
Of living with the cost of their choosings.
From Erin, Britain, Caledonia,
They move from yesterday to tomorrow
Like sweet perfume the sound and scent
Of mothers, sweethearts, joy and sorrow.
The men who love them stand helpless
But to cherish the ladies of the Gael
And see the land changed and bettered
Their wistful airs flow o'er valley, hill and dale.

© 2024 by Tom King