Sunday, September 8, 2024

April 10 - Me and My Man Brain


Me and My Man Brain

I have but one best friend in the world
   And he is not actually a he.
It can be the loveliest thing in the world
  When the love of your life is a she.

When your bestest friend; your BFF
   Is the other half of your soul,
You may not be hunting or fishing buds,
   Or hang out at y'all's fishin' hole.

But without her you're totally incomplete.
   No one to talk to; nobody to share,
Your latest tall tales and jokes with,
   Or to pat upon her derriere.

Sadly for us I'm afflicted with man brain.
   It's a terminal condition I fear.
It means we're not very good at networking,
   Or maintaining a circle of peers.

Man brains are goal-directed as are our
   Expressions of love and affection.
We'll climb mountains, swim rivers that rage.
   And cross deserts in unlikely directions.

Every man has the ability to think about nothing,
   Sometimes about nothing or double
So when asked, "Whatcha thinking?" we can truthfully say,
   Nothing that will get us in trouble.

But we suck at anticipating the needs of our women.
   We've never been any good at that.
We never quite know when to offer a foot rub,
   Or how to spontaneously say, "You're not fat!"

My poor sweet Baboo now that I am retired,
   Receives the brunt of all my man-splainings.
She needs women to talk with about relations and feelings,
   Other ears to share man complainings.

I don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings it's just
   That my style's always been problem-solving.
When she wants me to listen I'm at total loss,
   Fidgeting when I'm supposed to be evolving.

I want to be helpful, be wise and very supportive.
   To provide like a man I know how to do.
But now in my dotage, what ought I provide?
   Most times I haven't a clue.

Women on average live longer than their men.
   Why? I can only venture some guesses.
It's a mercy though given the relief it must be
   For them not to have to put up with our messes.

© 2024 by Tom King


Thursday, September 5, 2024

April 9: A While With You

A While With You

It seems like only yesterday
   That I was just a boy.
I was chasing after what, I did not know.
   Maybe it was comfort
Or an easing of the pain,
   Or just anything to fill the empty place,
                                     ...inside my soul.

 And it seems like just this morning
   I was stumbling blind and lost,
Not knowing where to go or what to do
   But I guess God was watching me;
Heard me down upon my knees,
   For when my head was lifted up again the one
                                    .... standing there was you.

At long last you had found me lonely, lost.
   You picked me up and brushed me off,
And then you took me by the hand and whispered
   I am going, I am going, I am going this way too.
So, w
hatever dusty road or winding path that lies ahead,
Would you mind if just take your hand and tag along
                                            .... a while with you?
It seems like just an hour or so ago, we started out
   First hand in hand, then arm in arm up the long road
Toward unexpected tomorrows, not knowing when or where
    Or even how we'd go, but there's been an angel at our shoulders.
 And a light just down the road, and I know we'll be arm in arm,
                                                  .... in a million years or so!

© 3/30/2002 & revised 4/9/2024
         by Tom King
(It's more than 50 years & counting)